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Come on, Follow These Tips on Living Life with HIV,AIDS

People living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) are susceptible to infectious diseases, stress, and various health problems that can interfere with quality of life. However, this should not be an obstacle for PLWHA to be able to live a productive and healthy life. HIV is a virus that damages the immune system. If left untreated, HIV infection can develop into AIDS which is very dangerous. Based on data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018, there are around 640 thousand people with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia. Although not yet curable, there are some simple steps that PLHIV can take to extend life expectancy while improving their quality of life.

Tips for Living with HIV / AIDS

Healthy lifestyle is something that must always be prioritized, regardless of how severe HIV / AIDS is suffered. For this reason, people living with HIV are advised to follow the following tips on living life with HIV / AIDS:

1. Take HAART regularly

HIV / AIDS treatment so far has not been able to completely cure and kill the HIV virus. However, this treatment is important to suppress the amount of virus and prevent the HIV virus from weakening the patient's immune system. Drugs used to treat HIV / AIDS are called antiretroviral drugs (ART). Although there are many types of antiretroviral drugs that can be used, the goal is still the same, which is to help the immune system prevent and fight infections, and reduce the risk of spreading the HIV virus to others. Therefore, in order to be able to live a healthy life and prevent transmission of the virus to other people, people with HIV / AIDS need to take ART drugs regularly according to the dosage and instructions that the doctor has recommended.

2. Maintain ideal body weight

Every HIV / AIDS sufferer needs to maintain his weight. This is because the body is too fat or too thin can worsen the condition of the disease and potentially cause other health problems, ranging from osteoporosis, kidney disease, stroke, to heart disease. To find out the ideal body weight, PLWHA need to calculate their body mass index (BMI). If BMI shows excessive PLWHA weight or is lacking, the doctor will help to determine the steps that can be taken to achieve ideal body weight.

3. Eat foods high in nutrients

Consumption of foods rich in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, eggs, and milk, has a variety of benefits, including strengthening the immune system, helping the body obtain nutrients and energy, and maintaining overall body health. In addition to consuming foods that are high in nutrition, PLWHA must also have adequate fluid intake by consuming 8 glasses of water per day, as well as limiting their intake of sugar, salt, and fatty foods. Not only that, make sure the food has been cleaned and cooked until cooked before consumption. Because of a weaker immune system, people with HIV / AIDS are susceptible to infection if they eat unclean, undercooked, or raw food.

4. Exercise regularly

Exercise can increase strength, endurance, and fitness, while helping the immune system work better in fighting infections. Walking casually, biking, or jogging for 20-30 minutes, at least 3 times a week, can be a good exercise choice for people with HIV / AIDS. However, ODHA should still consult a doctor to determine the type of exercise that is safe to do. The doctor will determine the type and duration of exercise according to the patient's health condition.

5. Avoid cigarettes and alcoholic drinks

People with HIV / AIDS who have smoking habits are at high risk of experiencing health problems due to smoking, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Similarly, if people living with HIV consume alcoholic drinks. The habit of consuming alcoholic beverages can cause the immune system to get weaker and damage the liver.

6. Complete immunizations

Given that the HIV virus can weaken the immune system and make sufferers susceptible to infectious diseases, immunization is an important step that needs to be undertaken by people living with HIV / AIDS. Immunization can not eliminate the HIV virus or treat infectious diseases. However, immunization can prevent viral and germ infections which can cause serious illnesses in PLWHA, such as meningitis, pneumonia and hepatitis B. However, immunization for PLWHA has a condition. Some types of immunization should not be given if the immune condition of PLWHA is weak. To determine whether the condition of his body is suitable for immunization, people living with HIV / AIDS need to routinely conduct health checks to the doctor.

7. Reducing stress

Living with HIV / AIDS is not easy. In addition to being vulnerable to illness, sufferers of HIV / AIDS are not uncommon to experience mental stress and severe stress. Not even a few ODHA who live with mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety disorders. Therefore, it is important for PLHIV to have friends, relatives, or communities who can provide emotional support. In addition, people with HIV / AIDS also need to reduce stress and get enough sleep, in order to prevent the weakening of the immune system. If needed, PLWHA can always consult a doctor to undergo a counseling session (VCT). To ensure their health condition is maintained, PLWHA need regular control to the doctor. That way, doctors can find out if the treatment steps taken are effective, and detect if there are other health problems, so they can be treated immediately.

Can People with HIV / AIDS Have Sex?

HIV / AIDS is not an obstacle for sufferers to have a normal sexual life. However, PLWHA indeed have to be more careful when having sex, to prevent the risk of transmitting the HIV virus to their partners. Before having sex, PLWHA should be honest and open with their partner about their status as PLWHA. Please note that the HIV virus is not transmitted through kisses, handshakes, or hugs, except if there is thrush or sores in the mouth, hands, or sores on the skin. If you have sores or mouth sores, people with HIV / AIDS should not kiss for a while until the wound heals completely. If not, it is feared that the HIV virus can spread through canker sores or sores. During sex, both penetrative sex, anal sex or oral sex, people living with HIV can prevent the spread of the virus by wearing a condom. But if sex is done to get a baby, ODHA is recommended to consult first with a doctor. Without close handling and supervision by a doctor, the HIV virus is at risk of being transmitted to the fetus. Healthy living can be lived by anyone, including PLHIV. With good health, people who suffer from HIV / AIDS can remain productive and have a good quality of life.


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